Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The other Dave in my life...

So I have another Dave in my life...Dave Ramsey.  My Dave and I are taking the Financial Peace University class at our church in hopes of  "living now like no one else so we can Live like no one else later."  We are very excited about the possibility of being debt free (not including our house) in the near future.  We don't have a lot of debt compared to other Americans but to say we have no car payment, no medical bills, student loans, etc. will be freeing!!  Owen asked my Dave if we could eat Mexican tomorrow night since we had a coupon and Dave said "Dave Ramsey doesn't like for you to eat out." and Owen said, "Have we met him?" HaHa!  We will be getting to know him really well in the next 13 weeks.  So, starting tonight - if you ask me out for lunch - I'll probably say no!!  But we have turkey and bread here!

1 comment:

  1. AWESOME!! Our church has done FPU classes and everyone who has taken them has said they were amazing. We live on a pretty tight budget too and it really helps! I'll be praying for y'all to be debt-free asap!
