Thursday, January 20, 2011

If you write it...

It will happen.  I'm going to try the philosophy similar to "If you build it, they will come." and hope it works for me!!  I've been talking about this for awhile and just haven't put any of it into action. So hopefully putting it out there into blogworld, I will hold myself more accountable and actually do the stuff I keep talking about... So basically, I have really been racking my brain this month about resolutions.  Because I'm an anal organized type person who likes outlines and lists, I decided to breakdown my resolutions into monthly goals that focus on a theme for each month.  I decided to approach these goals with one word in mind  - "INTENTION".  As we all know, intention basically means purpose.  But one definition that I liked of this word was "The feeling of total focus on and belief in a particular action." We all set out with the best intentions sometimes, but it just doesn't ever happen; our priorities change, things come up, and well life just happens!  So each month, I will take my goals and attack them each day with the best intentions.  This month, my monthly goal will be working on my morning routine - aka: getting my butt out of bed!!  If I just get up earlier than the boys, I can spend time doing my devotion for the day, enjoying my coffee, watching the news and actually eat breakfast before 11 a.m.!!  I might throw a shower in there somewhere! I'm up usually at 6 a.m. with Dave to do our couple's devotion, but I always get back in the bed when he leaves.  Well, not anymore.  Tomorrow I will be getting up at 6 a.m. and get ahead of the day before it gets ahead of me.   I'll let you know how I do tomorrow!!

1 comment:

  1. Okay, I am SO impressed that y'all get up at 6 to do a devotion together! What a great idea... although I could NEVER see that happening at the Cassell house :)
