Sunday, May 15, 2011

Where Have I Been??

I'm asking myself the same question.  My last post was March 10.  Wow!  Oh well. Life happens and I'm back on board to wanting to write, write, write!!  So Pearson has been on go lately.  He is a ball of energy and just is so different from Owen at this age.  We recently went on vacation and while in the bath at the hotel, he managed to gash open his chin and need 5 stitches!  He cried for about 5 minutes and that was it! Owen on the other hand, probably would still be crying days later!  I guess that is the 2nd child mentality.  He also is starting to really talk - ALOT!  Between all the "mommas" I don't know how he ever gets a breath in. But Dave is so gracious to remind me that one day, he won't be saying "momma" all the time.

I'm in the middle of the craziness and frustrated days on end, but I do love it.  My kids are so loving right now and I don't look forward to the day they don't want to sit in my lap, don't want a kiss when I drop them off at school, and even the day that I don't hear their voice at all because they are too busy with their college friends to call me.  So while I do wish I could freeze time, I know I can't.  So Dear Lord, please help me remember that the frustrating, pull my hair out times won't last forever, but unfortunately, neither do the priceless moments that always manage to put a smile on my face.

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