I love quotes and my Owen tends to say some of the best ones. So here are some of my favorites from him as well as others I have read.....
Me -"Owen, you need to rinse your brush out a little better to get all the water off." Owen - "Mom, artists don't do it like that. This is how they do it. ." (1/12/11)
Owen - "Mom, when a chicken goes bock, bock that means they lay their eggs." Me - "What happens when you say bock, bock?" Owen - "I don't lay anything!" (1/6/11)
Margaret Lee Runbeck - Happiness is not a station you arrive at, but a manner of traveling. (saw this on my friend Meg's facebook page)
My friend Nikki - "I've brainwashed my kids so they know they have to have water added to their juice. It saves on calories and money!"
"Daddy, can we go eat Mexican? There was a coupon on the back of my receipt from the grocery." Daddy - "We are taking Dave Ramsey and he doesn't like you to go out to eat!" Owen - "Who is Dave Ramsey? Do we know him?" (in the most county voice you have ever heard!) 1/25/11
"Momma, you are the best mom I have ever HAD!"
Kristen - "Owen, I like your jacket." Owen, "Yeah, it's a Columbia."
Me - "Owen, you have had too much candy today. Can I have your sucker?" Owen - "Mom, now you have had too much candy today, but yeah, you can." (2/14/2011)
Owen - "Mom, I don't want to go to college." Me - "Why?" Owen - "Because I'll be all grown-up. Who will be there with me?" (2/17/2011)